Director's notes, the making of "You Never Know" (2009) Pistachio Films #16

V.B. Sterling

You Never Know took many forms before becoming the script we are currently shooting.  It began as the story about twins (a good one and a bad one obviously) and identity theft.  After half a dozen edits (a full dozen if you ask my partner Giovanni Pistachio) the story took on a new life while still retaining its core elements. 

I enjoyed the writing process immensely and look forward to coming up with more stories in the near future, much to Giovanni’s dismay.  Suck it up, buddy.  I mean You Never Know to be the first of many.

Finding the actors took months.  Not surprising that we would have a shortage of actors here in the outskirts of nowhere.  But find actors we did.  We found great talent.  Many of them have years of theatre experience, and this is the first film for all of them.

Anyway, after months of preparation and talent search (and maybe a little bit of digging in my heels) I began putting together shot lists and having pre-production meetings with my team which consists of Giovanni Pistachio (auteur extraordinaire) and Al Rosen (a veteran cameraman and sound technician).  Thank God for them because without them I would be getting nowhere in my budding film making career.

8th March 2009 – First Shooting Day

To call it organized chaos would be an understatement to say the least.  I hardly remember anything except for arriving on location and going home late that night. 

Many of our actors are involved in a college production of Prelude to a Kiss, so we decided to shoot their scenes first.  We were only able to shoot half of what we meant to shoot that day.  We can blame it on a lot of things, but in reality, we may have been too ambitious with our time.  Having to discuss shots and sound and the actors motivation takes up a lot of time.

All in all it was a good, exhausting day.

14th March 2009 – Second Shooting Day

So we scheduled two sets of actors to show up at two different times and two different locations.  We were optimistic about being able to get two locations taken care of in an hour and a half, then move on to a third locale to get those scenes done.  No such luck!  This day was more stressful than our first shooting day.  I must have quit three times before we were done for the night.  Also, it began raining just as we were preparing for exterior shots, so we had to scrap that.  More to do next week!!!

All in all I think we are doing great!!!  My first film should be in the can by the end of the month (I hope) and I look forward to editing it to perfection.  Giovanni and Al have been superb in helping me deal with the actors and my stress.  Let's hope our next shooting day goes much smoother!!!

16th September 2009 – Nearly Finished

Well, after many months of editing, it looks like we are near the end of the post production phase.  Our editor, Giovanni Pistachio, has done a brilliant job of turning our nearly no-budget production into a valid effort for this first time director. 

There were many ups and downs during this production, but I have to say it has been well worth it.  The lessons I've learned (and I'm sure we've all learned) are those many filmmakers take years to come by. 

I wasn't sure when we started this project if I would have the talent or the patience to be a filmmaker, but I've found that I have come into my own, maturing as a writer, getting my feet wet as a director, and finding inspiration and drive for future projects. 

I had the good fortune to work with many talented people willing and able to take me under their wing to christen me in this film making business.  I can only hope that they'll look past my neurosis and work with me again.

Until next time!!! Live long and prosper!!! (Lol!!! I couldn't help it!!!)

V. B. Sterling

© Owned By V.B. Sterling 7:00pm 12/17/09
V.B Sterling can be contacted at:-
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