Director's notes, the making of "Untitled Project Part 2" (2002) Pistachio Films #8

Martainn Russell


Hello and a big welcome to the director's notes to the wonderful experience that is Untitled Project Part 2.  Don't expect any explanations or insights coz I had no idea what the hell I was doing.  Still don't for that matter.  So read on and enjoy.


Well, the idea came from seeing forthcoming film releases listed in magazines with titles like Untitled Woody Allen Project or Untitled PT Anderson Project.  So I thought it would be fun to make a film called Untitled Project.  Then I took it one-step further and added Part Two just to make it a little more surreal.   Also I had just seen David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, which totally messed my mind up.  So I thought I would try my hands at a David Lynch style movie (not that I'm trying to say that I'm in Lynch's league, well we can dream can't we.)  So that was that really. I decided that I would include minor cock-ups and use them to my advantage, All the framing was out of whack but it seemed to go with the whole weird thing that was going on.   Basically I was just throwing everything into the mixing bowl and seeing what the resulting gloop would look like.


I have been heavily influenced by David Lynch, Shinya Tsukamoto and Darren Aronofsky (especially Requiem for a Dream) amongst others and specifically their use of sound and sound effects.  Obviously they are real good at knowing what to do with it.   Me on the other hand, chuck it in and then look (or listen) to the result. If it was remotely cool it stayed, if not it went.  This was a true experiment.  I wanted it to be as raw as it could.  Using my mobile phone affected the sound on the tape so I incorporated that into the film.   I wanted to assault the viewers' ears as well as their eyes with this one so that's why it's loud and obtrusive.  No half measures or subtlety here folks.


Basically I was hoofing it, if it was within walking distance of my flat and it was remotely interesting then it was used.  I wanted to use many different locations to jazz it up a bit and try and make it look like a bigger movie, as the rest of my stuff was always set in the one room and was a bit claustrophobic.   Coz the Edinburgh International Film Festival was on at the time of shooting (and because I had stupidly written in the script that the film director Martin Rodriguez was being interviewed at a film premiere type do), I thought it would be clever to shoot a scene outside the UGC cinema (or whatever the fuck it's called) and have my actors stand near one of the many advertising banners.   Anyway, while deciding where to shoot and how, a security guard comes up to us and asks what we're doing.  We explain and he asks us to leave because we're not allowed to film the cinema building due to, get this, "architectural copyright".  How fucking stupid can you get?   Anyway we move from the front of the building got our shots and still managed to get the building and the festival banner in shot.  At this moment in time I'm trying to get my cinema complex built utilising the footage that I took.


Again I had to star in this and I'm bloody awful.  But the rest of the cast is phenomenal.  My inexperience with working with a proper cast undoubtedly showed, but I'm an actors director, I let them get on with it and to put their own thoughts and ideas into the performance.   It seems to work coz they were brilliant.  So that's my great directing tip: Let The Actors Do The Work.  Thanks to our brilliant new crew of actors who begun here with us!

Again absolutely nothing (unless you include countless trips to bakery shops!)


I thought it would be funny to have the chat show things in there just add to the off the wallness of the piece.  Also it helped in the editing process.  Martin Rodriguez is a mix of my first name (spelt the boring way) and Robert Rodriguez' second name (well duh!)   One day I want to be just like him.  The title Shitkicker Five just sounds like a hard as fuck movie title that hopefully will be made some day.


This was an experiment from start to finish some of it works and came out the way I imagined it while other parts kinda suck a fat one.  What do you do though?  Just never show it to anyone?  Continually shoot and edit material until you are so pissed off with it you just want to chuck it in to the nearest bin?   No you deliver what you can and then you move on.  I have to keep telling myself that I'm on the biggest learning curve at the moment.  At some point this will all come together, but until then keep trying to churn out more mini movies.

© Owned By Martainn Russell   02/03/2004 19:58
Martainn can be contacted at:-
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